Hi there

My name is Jill Kramer and I live in The Netherlands. I started to write stories, literally when I learnt to write as a child. It is a life-long passion which still continues to this day.

I was born in the United Kingdom at Hampton Court Palace! Yes, you are thinking in a palace? Well it just so happened that my mother was transferred there just before my birth as there was a fire in the little hospital where she was staying. I arrived there, 20th August and a Leo (fire sign). I also have Leo as my Ascending Sign (again fire) as well as a lot of planetary movement in my first astrological house.

In 1977 I moved to work in Holland. At the time I was working for a Dutch company in the United Kingdom and was transferred to Head Office in Delft as they needed an English native speaker to work on the presentation of their pharmaceutical products in the USA.

After the birth of my daughter in 1988 I worked in Medical Publication and after the sale of the company in 2000 had more time to spend on my creative writing, as opposed to commercial work. I also have a son, born in 1992.

A lot of my present day work, apart from writing books, blogs and columns is also in translating Dutch into English and have done a lot of projects over the years. I have been working with a Dutch artist for a long time now and enjoy this work very much.

So far I have written 8 books, the majority of which have been published through Brave New Books. This is a special publication company here in Holland, where print is done on demand and despatched through one of the largest companies here, Bol.com.

The titles of my books so far are:

Impossible Love

Re-kindling the Flame

True Colours

2016 was a Blogging Good Year (e-book)

The Blue House

Het Blauwe Huis (a Dutch translation of The Blue House and the first time I have done a book in another language)

Fireflies in the Summer (and other short stories)

The 8th book A SECOND CHANCE is finished and published (13th March 2018) and available.

I will also work with a new worldwide site called UHMI where creative content is shared all over the world. The pilot tests have just been completed with success and a lot of people are very positive. UHMI is a platform for all sorts of creative work where people can either pay (small amounts) or donate to read content. I have very high hopes for this site.

I appreciate all and any feed back, even criticism, because this can be very positive too and guide me in my work. If you have any particular questions you can contact me via wordpassion12@gmail.com

Thank you for your interest in my blogs and website.